03 November 2006

Reign of Fire & Ransom

Reign of Fire

         Fantasy. Christian Bale & Izabella Scorupco 2002

        Mad Max with dragons. Slow. Some good special effects and sound.

        Moral of the story: The male of the species is the key.

        Rating: Three yawns

        Rent it? No

        Buy it? No


        Drama. Guy Mel Gibson & Rene Russo 1996

        Mel & Rene's son is kidnaped.

        Moral of the story: Put the heat on and watch them squirm.

        Rating: Eye popper

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? Yes

Q^^^Q Q^^^Q   Q^^^Q   Q^^^Q   Q^^^Q

The opinions expressed here are just that, opinions.

The length of a video, if stated, is the length quoted on the ' box ' and may not correspond with the actual length.

Ratings in descending order:

Eye popper



Quite average

One yawn

Two yawns

Three yawns

Ejected it

.       .        .        .        .        .

Halloween: An American perversion of a Christian corruption of a Celtic festival.


Stephen's Snaps

This week Gerbra & Rose photos.

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.

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