16 November 2006

The Italian Job, The Good Thief & Rules of Engagement

Stephen's Short Video Reviews

The Italian Job

        Drama (V). Mark Wahlberg & Charlize Theron 2003

        This is not a remake, the plot is completely different. Good boat chase. Comedy rating 1.08

        Moral of the story: Only the Americans would make a movie called Italian something and have the main story set in the USA.

        Rating: Quite average

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? No

The Good Thief

        Drama (N). Nick Nolte, Nutsa Kukhianidze 2003

        No discernable plot by the time of abandonment.

        Moral of the story: Some movies just shouldn't be.

        Rating: Ejected it

        Rent it? No

        Buy it? No

Rules of Engagement

        Drama (V). Tommy Lee Jones & Anne Archer 2000

        A US Marine is stabled in the back by diplomats and charged with murder, even though what he did is less ghastly than what the US Army has done in Iraq this year. Slow in the middle. good sound effects.

        Moral of the story: There must always be a goat available.

        Rating: Eye popper

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? Yes

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(N) Nudity, (S) Sex scenes, (V) Violence

The opinions expressed here are just that, opinions.

The length of a video, if stated, is the length quoted on the ' box ' and may not correspond with the actual length.

Ratings in descending order:

Eye popper



Quite average

One yawn

Two yawns

Three yawns

Ejected it

.       .        .        .        .        .

" In the last couple of weeks I have seen the ads for the Wonder Bra. Is that really a problem in this country? Men not paying enough attention to women's breasts? -Hugh Grant "


Stephen's Snaps

This week Gerbra & Rose photos.

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.

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