12 December 2006

Crash, Ice Princess & Crimes of Passion

Stephen's Short Video Reviews


        Strange (N) (V). Various good actors & actresses  2005

        Lots of people have a bad day. Slow in places. Comedy rating 2.94

        Moral of the story: Your my best friend.

        Rating: Average

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? No

Ice Princess 

        Drama. Michelle Trachtenberg & Trevor Blumas 2005

        A girl takes on a physics project. Slow.

        Moral of the story: Priorities, priorities.

        Rating: Three yawns

        Rent it? No

        Buy it? No

Crimes of Passion 

        Drama (N) (S) (V). Kathleen Turner & Anthony Perkins 1984

        A designer moonlights. There are a couple of slow spots.

        Moral of the story: They all come for China Blue.

        Rating: Entertaining

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? Yes

.       .        .        .        .        .        .        .

(N) Nudity, (S) Sex scenes, (V) Violence

The opinions expressed here are just that, opinions.

Ratings in descending order:

Eye popper



Quit average

One yawn

Two yawns

Three yawns

Ejected it

.       .        .        .        .        .

" The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. -Mark Twain "


Stephen's Snaps

This week Gerbra & Rose photos.

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.

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