23 November 2008

The Brave One, Cleaner & Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Stephen's Short Video Reviews

The Brave One

        Action (V). Jodie Foster & Terrence Howard 2007  
        Boy dies, Girl ends up in hospital. Not too much like Clark Kent. Slow. Long at about one and a half hours.

        Moral of the story: Love wins.

        Rating: Two yawns

        Rent it? No

        Buy it? No


        Drama (V). Samuel L. Jackson & Eva Mendes 2007
        A cleaner cleans up a crime scene, then wonders. Slow to start and in other places as well.

        Moral of the story: As always, the answer is sex.

        Rating: Average

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? No

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

        Sci Fi. Liam Neeson & Ewan McGregor 1999

        The Trade Federation is slowly strangling the galaxy. Which Jedi survives? Find out this and more in episode four.

        Moral of the story: There is always trouble when big business and politicians get together.

        Rating: Entertaining

        Rent it? Yes

        Buy it? Yes

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(N) Nudity, (S) Sex scenes, (V) Violence

The opinions expressed here are just that, opinions.

Ratings in descending order:

Eye popper



Quite average

One yawn

Two yawns

Three yawns

Ejected it

The video review repository is at http://videorev.blogspot.com/

And the RSS feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/ShortMovieReviews

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Stephen's Snaps

Simply nice photos, Landscape, Seascape, Underwater, The Northern Beaches Sydney.

Updated regularly.